Oliver’s volunteering story
Oliver has been volunteering at our charity shop in Hatfield since 2019. Here, he tells us why he loves being a part of the Willow team.
“Someone may come in and need cheering up or feel lonely but seeing you will make their day.”
“I’ve loved charity shops since I was a child and have been coming to the Hatfield shop since it opened. I always found the staff really friendly so it was an obvious choice for me to start volunteering here as soon as I was able.
I started in 2019, when I finished school. Although I had a short break when I went to college for two years, I came back after. I have autism and Aspergers but being here has really built my confidence.
Normally I try and volunteer four days a week so I can do as much as possible. It’s my way of helping out where I can. An average day in the Hatfield shop can cover pretty much everything. I do the till, tagging and sorting clothes, organising and reorganising bric a brac, restocking things like the puzzles and DVDs, as well as steaming if it’s needed. I also make tea for everyone.
My favourite thing about volunteering at Willow is the staff. They’re all lovely and there’s a real sense of community. We all care for one another.
If you feel that volunteering is for you then it will be. You’re helping others and doing good. Someone may come in and need cheering up or feel lonely but seeing you will make their day.”
Interested in donating your time to help seriously ill young adults? Visit our webpage for more information on volunteering opportunities at Willow.